A few words

How it works

Please sit quietly for 2 minutes before measuring, during the measurement please maintain the correct sitting posture.

Step 1

Please wear the watch properly on the left wrist, during the measurement sit straight in a chair with a natural quiet posture, relax and not talk nor shake, ensure the wrist is flat on the table.

Step 2

The strap should not be too loose during the measuring, make sure watch backing optical sensor makes contact with the skin well.

Step 3

The wrist wearing the watch should be placed as flat as possible on the table and chest flush to it.

Step 1

Please wear the watch properly on the left wrist, during the measurement sit straight in a chair with a natural quiet posture, relax and not talk nor shake, ensure the wrist is flat on the table.

Step 2

The strap should not be too loose during the measuring, make sure watch backing optical sensor makes contact with the skin well.

Step 3

The wrist wearing the watch should be placed as flat as possible on the table and chest flush to it.

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